Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Dear Black Leadership: 130 police chiefs, prosecutors and sheriffs support criminal justice reform

Dear Black Leadership,  
Please support criminal justice reform NOW.

More than 130 chiefs, prosecutors & sheriffs. Some of the most prominent law enforcement officials in the country,are asking law makers to reduce the nation’s incarceration rate.
Saying that “too many people are behind bars that don’t belong there,” officials plan to announce Wednesday that they have formed a group to push for ending mandatory minimum prison sentences,alternatives to arrests, & reducing the number of criminal laws  . The group are scheduled to meet with President Obama. 

With all due respect. I'm coming to you with an open request.
Please support President Barack Obama and his push for criminal justice reform. 
Your silence is deafening. Why has 130 police come out in support & are having meetings ,then the black leaders are MUTE? 

Not openly seen pushing this cause?Please help President Barack Obama pass these reforms. Ministers, pastors, lawmakers, and church members; please come out in full support of the president and his new law enforcement policies.

 Can you stand up for the rights of the incarcerated in public,online, at city hall, at Congress, and in the churches? While the national conversation is on race, police abuse, flags; this is the time to tackle this issue.The time is now. 

In the eighties and nineties, presidents and the U.S government came to you asking for your support on the war on drugs. So, with your support the government passed mandatory minimum laws & other measures that incarcerated a generation of black men and women. In hindsight, even former President Bill Clinton, who passed a lot of harsh anti drug laws in American history, came to see the error of his ways. With your support (lawmakers,community leader, activist) we can change these laws in our justice system. There is no mistake that there were errors made and many black youth received sentences that did not match with the crime that was committed. Now is the time to correct these errors. President Barack Obama can change a lot of these laws,but not without your congregants’/followers’ help. Criminal justice reform can stop the school to prison pipeline, the prison industrial complex that benefits from these laws and policies, and has crippled the black community for so many years. This is the movement that can change lives in the black community. I ask, can you stand up for the rights of the millions of men, women, and children that are affected by these laws? We can prevent millions more from suffering the same fate. I request that you stand in solidarity and influence your congregation to do the same, Through the power of voting and litigation we can change these laws because it was through litigation and voting that these laws were implemented. Without the black churches and other community leaders, these laws may have never passed and without the congregation, these laws may never be reformed. There needs to be a united front. Talk to congregations, Congressman, Senators and other law enforcement agencies, because here lies an opportunity to turn back the hands of time and correct the mistakes of the past. Please call representatives! I think that you would do our community a great service by taking advantage of this opportunity( move fast to the goal of to help gain support for Obama with his reform policy.)
Sincerely yours , Black America

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